putu belanda, apple pie, putu ayu

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Aneka macam kue basah favorit yang digemari relasi kami :
puding almond, black forrest, lapis keju, bread roll cake, baling-baling roll tart.

harga cake & kue kering

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Sekarang saatnya cake dan kue kering nongol. Berikut
ini daftar harganya :

Paket Lunch Box

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Kami menawarkan paket lunch box untuk makan siang yang berupa nasi kotak dengan beberapa pilihan sesuai harga.
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Menu yang kami sediakan bervariasi dan berbeda tiap hari. Jumlah pesanan yang bisa kami layani minimal 30 pack.

Jika Anda tertarik mencoba menu kami bisa telepon ke 03160730013/03160476250 atau kirim email ke cateringkrishna@gmail.com .
Kami memberi kemudahan dengan delivery service untuk wilayah Surabaya. Keluar Surabaya seperti sidoarjo dan Gresik akan dikenai biaya transport.

Mau coba Onigiri ?

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Biasanya kita baca oningiri. Onigiri adalah nama Jepang untuk makanan berupa nasi yang dipadatkan sewaktu masih hangat sehingga berbentuk segi tiga, bulat, atau seperti karung beras. Dikenal juga dengan nama lain Omusubi, istilah yang kabarnya dulu digunakan kalangan wanita di istana kaisar untuk menyebut Onigiri. Onigiri dimakan dengan tangan, tidak memakai sumpit.

Di Indonesia, Onigiri bisa dijumpai di bagian makanan Jepang toko swalayan terkemuka dan di restoran yang menyediakan makanan Jepang. Di negeri Tiongkok, Onigiri dikenal dengan nama fàntuán.

Nasi yang digunakan untuk membuat Onigiri sebaiknya beras yang memiliki kadar kanji tinggi seperti beras jenis Japonica sedangkan beras yang dimakan di negara-negara Asia Tenggara adalah beras jenis Indica. Nasi yang ditanak dari beras Japonica mudah melekat satu sama lainnya sehingga mudah dibentuk menjadi Onigiri.

Sebelum membuat Onigiri, kedua belah tangan harus dibasahkan dengan air matang agar nasi tidak melekat di tangan. Onigiri dibentuk oleh kedua telapak tangan yang diberi garam dapur, sedangkan garam yang menempel di permukaan telapak tangan diratakan penyebarannya dengan gerakan seperti mencuci tangan.

Onigiri jenis paling sederhana biasanya berisi daging ikan salmon panggang atau Umeboshi yang berada di tengah-tengah nasi. Selain itu, Onigiri ada yang dipanggang setelah sebelumnya dilumuri kecap asin atau miso.

Di Jepang, Onigiri merupakan bekal makan siang sewaktu piknik atau dimakan di perjalanan. Nasi pada Obento (kotak makan siang khas Jepang) sering berupa Onigiri. Walaupun banyak sekali orang Jepang yang membeli Onigiri produksi pabrik yang dijual di toko swalayan yang buka 24 jam, Onigiri merupakan makanan yang dibuat sendiri di rumah yang cara pembuatannya diwariskan secara turun temurun.

Di Jepang terdapat beratus-ratus jenis Onigiri dengan isi yang bervariasi tergantung selera orang yang membuatnya. Nori sering digunakan untuk membungkus agar lebih mudah dimakan tanpa ada nasi yang menempel di tangan, walaupun berbagai jenis Onigiri tanpa Nori juga sering dijumpai.

Penasaran gimana rasanya onigiri? anda bisa memesannya di krishnacatering.

Jika lapar

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Kenali sinyal lapar berupa perut keroncongan, rasa lemas dan perubahan emosi yang biasa timbul setiap 4-5 jam.
Berikan respon dengan makan atau mengganjal secukupnya saja misalnya dengan sebuah pisang bila rasa lapar timbul di luar waktu makan siang atau makan malam.

Benefits of apple

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The warm scent and flavor of baking apples is a sure sign that fall is just around the corner. In the Northern Hemisphere apples are in season from late summer to early winter. However, many varieties are available year round because they have been either kept in cold storage or imported from the Southern Hemisphere.

Apples are crisp, white-fleshed fruits with red, yellow or green skin. They range in taste from moderately sweet and refreshing to pleasantly tart depending on the variety. The apple is a member of the rose family, with a compartmentalized core that classifies it as a pome fruit.

Food Chart
This chart graphically details the %DV that a serving of Apples provides for each of the nutrients of which it is a good, very good, or excellent source according to our Food Rating System. Additional information about the amount of these nutrients provided by Apples can be found in the Food Rating System Chart. A link that takes you to the In-Depth Nutritional Profile for Apples, featuring information over 80 nutrients, can be found under the Food Rating System Chart.

Health Benefits

According to the latest research, the old saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away," is fact, not just folklore. The nutritional stars in apples-fiber, flavonoids, and fructose-translate into apples' ability to keep us healthy.

Cardio-Protective Fiber

Apples contain both insoluble and soluble fiber. One medium (5 ounces) unpeeled apple provides over 3 grams of fiber, more than 10% of the daily fiber intake recommended by experts. Even without its peel, a medium apple provides 2.7 grams of fiber.

Apple's two types of fiber pack a double punch that can knock down cholesterol levels, reducing your risk of hardening of the arteries, heart attack, and stroke.

Apple's insoluble fiber works like bran, latching on to LDL cholesterol in the digestive tract and removing it from the body, while apple's soluble fiber pectin reduces the amount of LDL cholesterol produced in the liver. Adding just one large apple (about 2/3 of a pound) to the daily diet has been shown to decrease serum cholesterol 8-11%. Eating 2 large apples a day has lowered cholesterol levels by up to 16%!

A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine confirms that eating high fiber foods, such as apples, helps prevent heart disease. Almost 10,000 American adults participated in this study and were followed for 19 years. People eating the most fiber, 21 grams per day, had 12% less CHD and 11% less CVD compared to those eating the least, 5 grams daily. Those eating the most water-soluble dietary fiber fared even better with a 15% reduction in risk of CHD and a 10% risk reduction in CVD.

LDL cholesterol isn't the only harmful compound on apple's removal list. Pectin grabs toxins like the heavy metals lead and mercury, and ushers them out of the body. Both the soluble and insoluble fibers in apples have cancer-protective activity since they relieve constipation and send potentially toxic substances out with the stools.

When it comes to bowel regularity, apple's two types of fiber tackle the job-no matter what it is. Both the insoluble fiber in apples and their soluble fiber pectin help relieve constipation (thus helping to prevent diverticulosis and colon cancer). The insoluble fiber works like roughage, while the pectin, which is found primarily in the skin, acts as a stool softener by drawing water into the stool and increasing stool bulk. On the other hand, because pectin firms up an excessively loose stool, it's also used to treat diarrhea.

Cardio-Protective Flavonoids

A type of pigment in apples that helps provide their color, flavonoids have been extensively researched and found to help prevent heart disease. Researchers in Finland followed over 5,000 Finish men and women for over 20 years. Those who ate the most apples and other flavonoid-rich foods (such as onions and tea), were found to have a 20% lower risk of heart disease than those who ate the least of these foods.

Apples have been singled out as one of the small number of fruits and vegetables that contributed to the significant reduction in heart disease risk seen in a recent meta-analysis of seven prospective studies. Of the more than 100,000 individuals who participated in these studies, those who diets most frequently included apples, tea, onions, and broccoli-the richest sources of flavonoids-gained a 20% reduction in their risk of heart disease.

Apple skin and onions are the two major food sources of a potent flavonoid called quercitin. If, in addition to eating an apple a day, you add 2 tablespoons of onion and 4 cups of green tea (also rich in flavonoids) to your menu, you, like the men who consumed these foods in another study, may have a 32% lower risk of heart attack than people who consume less of these foods.

Quercitin's benefits derive from its antioxidant activity, especially when it teams up with another antioxidant, vitamin C, also found in apples, to bolster the body's immune defenses. This dynamic antioxidant duo provides another way (in addition to fiber) through which apples protect against cancer and also helps prevent the free radical damage to LDL cholesterol that promotes heart disease.

Juice Ranked among the Highest in Antioxidant Activity

Not all fruit juices are the same. They differ markedly in the variety of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity, according to Alan Crozier, Professor of Plant Biochemistry and Human Nutrition, who, with colleagues at the University of Glasgow, evaluated 13 commercially available popular juices.

Concord grapes came out on top with the highest and broadest range of polyphenols and the highest overall antioxidant capacity. (The main components in purple grape juice were flavan-3-ols, anthocyanins, and hydroxycinnamates, together accounting for 93% of the total phenolic content.)

Other top scorers were cloudy apple juice, cranberry juice and grapefruit juice.

Other research (Oszmianski J, Wolniak M, et al., Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture) has also found cloudy apple juice to be a healthier choice than clear since cloudy apple juices contain up to four times the amount of protective polyphenols as clear apple juices.

Results for the red grape juice were said to be equal to those for a Beaujolais red wine. Interestingly, however, white grape juice, mainly containing hydroxycinnamates, had the lowest total phenolic content.

The products analyzed were: Spray Classic Cranberry; Welch's Purple Grape; Tesco Pure Pressed Red Grape; Pomegreat Pomegranate; Tesco Pure Apple (clear); Copella Apple (cloudy); Tesco Pure Grapefruit; Tesco Value Pure Orange (concentrate); Tropicana Pure Premium Smooth Orange (squeezed); Tropicana Pure Premium Tropical Fruit; Tesco Pure Pressed White Grape; Tesco Pure Pineapple; Del Monte Premium Tomato.

Dr. Crozier's findings come shortly after those of the Kame project, which indicated that long-term fruit juice consumption can provide protection against Alzheimer's disease (Dai et al., Am J Med), and suggest that, since each fruit juice contains its own array of protective phenols, drinking a variety may offer the best protection. Practical Tip: "The message is to mix these juices during the week. That way you will get all the compounds with anti-oxidant activity. If you drink only one juice you risk missing out on the compounds in the others," explained Crozier.

Apples' Flavonoids Provide Much More than Antioxidant Protection

Apples have long been touted as an excellent source of flavonoids that act as antioxidants, moping up oxygen free radicals that can damage DNA. Now, Eric Gershwin and colleagues from the University of California, Davis, US, have discovered a new way in which flavonoid-rich apples help protect against heart disease and cancers that goes beyond their flavonoids' antioxidant effects.

The researchers prepared apple extracts from fresh Fuji, Golden Delicious, Red Delicious, and Granny Smith apples and added them to cultures of human endothelial cells (Endothelial cells make up the inner lining of our arteries. Their damage by oxidized cholesterol is one of the first steps in the development of atherosclerosis.)

After incubating the endothelial cells with apple extract, the researchers exposed them to tumor necrosis factor (TNF), a compound that triggers cell death and promotes inflammation by inducing a chemical signaling pathway called the nuclear factor (NF) kappa B pathway. The apple flavonoids were able protect the cells from the effects of TNF by inhibiting the signals in this pathway that would otherwise damage or kill cells. Gershwin and colleagues' research, published in Experimental Biology and Medicine, shows that apple flavonoids protect cells from damage and death by interfering with communications between cells-a further mechanism than their antioxidant effects.

Fructose for Stable Blood Sugar Levels

Apples derive almost all of their natural sweetness from fructose, a simple sugar, but one which is broken down slowly, especially when combined with apples' hefty dose of fiber, thus helping to keep blood sugar levels stable.

Prevent Kidney Stones

Want to reduce your risk of calcium oxalate kidney stones? Drink apple juice. A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found that when women drank ½ to 1 liter of apple, grapefruit or orange juice daily, their urinary pH value and citric acid excretion increased, significantly dropping their risk of forming calcium oxalate stones.

Promote Optimal Health

Whole apple extracts-in amounts comparable to human consumption of one, three or six apples a day-were shown to prevent breast cancer in test animals in a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

And apples worked in a dose-dependent manner; the more apples eaten, the more protection.

In a second study, published in Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, a polyphenol-rich extract of an apple juice blend powerfully inhibited the growth of human colon cancer cells in the laboratory.

However, when researchers put together a mixture containing only the bioactive compounds identified in apple juice so far (which included its proanthocyanidins and quercetin), the mixture was ineffective in inhibiting the growth of colon cancer cells.

They concluded that as yet unknown constituents contribute to apples' potent protective qualities. The conclusion we draw at the World's Healthiest Foods is that it is not single nutrients, but their synergy in whole, natural foods that is the source of their effectiveness in promoting health.

We definitely agree with the researchers in the first (breast cancer) study, who suggest that because apples are so richly endowed with phytonutrients capable of strong antioxidant and anticancer activities and are so universally enjoyed, eating an apple (or two) a day may be effective (and we'd add easy and inexpensive) way to lessen the incidence of breast (and colon) cancer.

Natural Sun Protection

It's long been known that apple peel contains high concentrations of special antioxidant compounds called phenols that may assist in the prevention of a number of chronic diseases. Now it appears that the phenols in the skin of certain cultivars of apples may provide a hefty dose of UV-B protection, according to a study published in the Journal of Experimental Botany. Researchers evaluated both Granny Smith and Braeburn apples, with Braeburns being the clear winner in terms of their ability to accumulate UV-B protective quercitin glycosides in their sun-exposed skin. Sun-kissed Braeburns were resistant to high doses of UV-B radiation (up to 97kJ m-2). Next time you plan to spend time in the sun yourself, start your day with a Braeburn apple or bring one or two along for lunch and snacks.

Review Study Provides Even More Reasons to Enjoy Apples

A major review study published in the Nutrition Journal provides dozens of reasons to enjoy an apple every day.

A review study is one that looks at the results of many other studies. This one included an analysis of 85 studies. Apples were found to be most consistently associated with a reduced risk of cancer, heart disease, asthma, and type 2 diabetes when compared to other fruits and vegetables. In addition, eating apples was also associated with increased lung function and increased weight loss.

Here are some of the reasons why:

Apples are a rich and very important source of phytonutrients, including flavonoids and phenols, in the American diet and in Europe. In the United States, 22% of the phenolic compounds consumed from fruits come from apples, making them the largest source of phenols in the American diet.

When compared to other fruits, apples ranked second in total concentration of phenolic compounds, and perhaps more importantly, had the highest portion of free phenols. Since free phenols are not bound to other compounds in the fruit, they may be more available for absorption into the bloodstream.

Apples are also an excellent source of antioxidants, and when compared to many other commonly consumed fruits in the United States, were found to have the second highest level of antioxidant activity. Many of the phytonutrients found in apples, including quercetin, catechin, phloridzin and chlorogenic acid, are strong antioxidants.

The total antioxidant activity of 100 grams of whole apple (with the peel) was found to be equivalent to the antioxidant effect of about 1500 mg of vitamin C. (However, the amount of vitamin C in 100 g of apples is only about 5.7 mg. Nearly all of the antioxidant activity from apples comes from a variety of other compounds.)

Whole apples, especially their peels, have been found to have a number of powerful antioxidant effects, one of which is to protect VLDL and LDL ("bad") cholesterol from oxidation. Yet when quercitin, one of the most important antioxidant flavonoids in apples, was tested by itself in laboratory animals, it had no protective effect. And when apple flesh and apple juice were tested, they provided less than a tenth the benefit of whole apple.

Apples' protective effects against free radical damage to cholesterol reach their peak at three hours following apple consumption and drop off after 24 hours, providing yet another good reason to eat a whole fresh apple a day.

In animal studies, apples have also been shown to lower LDL ("bad") cholesterol while raising beneficial HDL cholesterol. Not only did the laboratory animals in these studies produce less cholesterol, but they also excreted more in their feces when fed apples, pears and peaches-but apples had the greatest cholesterol-lowering effect.

In the most recent studies, investigators found that the combination of apple pectin and apple phenols lowered cholesterol and triglycerides to a much greater extent than either apple pectin or phenols alone. This again suggests a beneficial synergy between the many healthful compounds found in apples and supports eating the whole fruit instead of simply drinking apple juice, eating peel-free applesauce or taking fiber supplements.

Apples have also been shown to greatly inhibit the growth of liver and colon cancer cells in several studies. In one study, at a dose of 50 mg/mL, liver cancer cell proliferation was inhibited by 39% by extracts of whole Fuji apple and 57% by whole Red Delicious extracts. In another study in which colon cancer cells were treated with apple extracts, cell proliferation was inhibited 43% at a dose of 50 mg/mL.

Promote Optimal Health

Eating an apple a day may also offer significant protection against breast cancer, suggests an animal study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry . When laboratory animals with breast cancer were fed the human equivalent of 1, 3 or 6 apples a day for 6 months, their tumors shrank by 25%, 25%, and 61%, respectively.

Researchers credit apples' strong protective action to the synergistic interactions among the wide variety of potent antioxidant and antiproliferative phytonutrients, including phenolics and flavonoids, they contain.

In several large epidemiological (population) studies conducted in the United Kingdom, Finland and the Netherlands, apple consumption (a minimum of 2 apples per week) was found to be inversely linked with asthma and type 2 diabetes, and positively associated with general lung health. Researchers attribute apples' protective effects in these conditions to apples' high concentration of anti-inflammatory flavonoids, such as quercitin and catechin.

In addition to their beneficial effects against chronic diseases including cancer, cardiovascular disease, asthma and diabetes, apples may also help combat cholera. Recently, crude extracts from immature apples were found to inhibit cholera toxin in a dose dependent manner by up to 98%.

Variation in Antioxidant Phytonutrients Among Different Types of Apples

Researchers have found distinct differences in total phenolic and flavonoid content among different apple varieties:

Of the four common varieties used for applesauce (Rome Beauty, Idared, Cortland, and Golden Delicious), Rome Beauty had the highest phenolic content.

Out of 10 varieties commonly consumed in the U.S., Fuji apples had the highest total phenolic and total flavonoid compounds, but Red Delicious apples were also quite high. These apple varieties also tended to have higher antioxidant activity.

Apple phytonutrient content is not greatly affected by storage. After 100 days, the amount of phenolic compounds in the skin begins to decrease slightly, but even after 200 hundred days in cold storage, the total amount of these compounds remains close to the level at the time of harvest.

However, processing apples into juice greatly lowers their phytonutrient content. Apple juice obtained from Jonagold apples by pulping and straight pressing had only 10% of the antioxidant activity of fresh apples, while juice obtained after pulp enzyming had only 3% of fresh apples' antioxidant activity.

The take home message: store apples in the refrigerator and enjoy a sweet, crunchy, whole apple at least 2-3 times each week.

A Flavonoid Unique to Apples May Help Prevent Menopausal Bone Loss

A flavonoid found only in apples called phloridzin may help prevent bone loss associated with menopause, suggests a study published in Calcified Tissue International..

A side effect of the sex hormone changes that occur during a woman's transition through menopause is a tendency towards increased inflammation and free radical production, which in turn, promotes bone loss.

Because of their anti-inflammatory actions, polyphenols have been suggested as one means of protecting against bone loss during this pro-inflammatory time in women's lives.

To test this theory, French researchers ovariectomized lab animals (to simulate menopause) and divided them into two groups, which were given either a control diet or a diet supplemented with phloridzin for 80 days. Three weeks before the animals were sacrificed, 10 animals in each group were put into an inflammatory state.

While all the animals on the control diet lost bone, and those in the inflammatory state lost even more bone, the rats receiving phloridzin not only did not lose bone, but actually increased bone mineral density-even if they were experiencing a high inflammatory state!

If you're moving through menopause, eating an apple a day may help you keep bone loss at bay.

Fruit and Cereal Fiber Protective against Postmenopausal Breast Cancer

Results of a prospective study involving 51,823 postmenopausal women for an average of 8.3 years showed a 34% reduction in breast cancer risk for those consuming the most fruit fiber compared to those consuming the least. In addition, in the subgroup of women who had ever used hormone replacement, those consuming the most fiber, especially cereal fiber, had a 50% reduction in their risk of breast cancer compared to those consuming the least. Int J Cancer. 2008 Jan 15;122(2):403-12.

Fruits richest in fiber include apples, dates, figs, pears and prunes. When choosing a high fiber cereal, look for whole grain cereals as they supply the most bran (a mere 1/3rd cup of bran contains about 14 grams of fiber).


Apples are a crisp, white-fleshed fruit with a red, yellow or green skin. The apple is actually a member of the rose family, which may seem strange until we remember that roses make rose hips, which are fruits similar to the apple.

Apples have a moderately sweet, refreshing flavor and a tartness that is present to greater or lesser degree depending on the variety. For example, Golden and Red Delicious apples are mild and sweet, while Pippins and Granny Smith apples are notably brisk and tart. Tart apples, which best retain their texture during cooking, are often preferred for cooked desserts like apple pie, while Delicious apples and other sweeter varieties like Braeburn and Fuji apples are usually eaten raw.


The apple tree, which originally came from Eastern Europe and southwestern Asia, has spread to most temperate regions of the world. Over the centuries, many hybrids and cultivars have been developed, giving us the 7,000 varieties in the market today.

Apples have long been associated with the biblical story of Adam and Eve, although there is actually no mention that, in fact, the fruit in question was actually an apple. In Norse mythology, apples were given a more positive persona: a magic apple was said to keep people young forever. Apples' most recent appearance in history occurred in the 1800s in the U.S., when Johnny Appleseed-a real person named John Chapman, despite the mythological quality of his tale-walked barefoot across an area of 100,000 square miles, planting apple trees that provided food and a livelihood for generations of settlers.

How to Select and Store

Look for firm fruits with rich coloring. Yellow and green apples with a slight blush are best. Your preference for a sweeter or more tart fruit and whether you plan to enjoy your apples raw or cooked will guide your choice of variety. Just remember that Red and Golden Delicious are among the sweetest apples. Braeburn and Fuji apples are slightly tart, and Gravenstein, Pippin and Granny Smith apples are the most tart, but retain their texture best during cooking.

In the northern hemisphere, apple season begins at the end of summer and lasts until early winter. Apples available at other times have been in cold storage or are imported from the southern hemisphere.

Whole apples are a much better nutritional choice than apple juice. Not only are whole apples richer in dietary fiber, but the current processes of juicing seem to drastically reduce the polyphenolic phytonutrient concentrations originally found in the whole fruit.

When selecting apple juice, chose cloudy rather than clear juices:

Researchers evaluated the polyphenolic content of clear and cloudy apple juices from Idared and Champion varieties. Cloudy juices, particularly those prepared from apples of the Champion variety, had a much higher content of procyanidins (a type of flavonoid) than clear juices.

Cloudy juice from Champion apples contained 1,044 milligrams of polyphenols per liter, while clear juice made from Idared apples contained only 250 milligrams per liter. When the juices' ability to neutralize free radicals was evaluated, cloudy Champion apple juice neutralized 93% of the radicals after 3 minutes, compared to only 24% for the clear Idared juice.

Choose fully ripened fruit for the most antioxidants:

Research conducted at the University of Innsbruck in Austria suggests that as fruits fully ripen, almost to the point of spoilage, their antioxidant levels actually increase.

Key to the process is the change in color that occurs as fruits ripen, a similar process to that seen in the fall when leaves turn from green to red to yellow to brown- a color change caused by the breakdown and disappearance of chlorophyll, which gives leaves and fruits their green color.

Until now, no one really knew what happened to chlorophyll during this process, but lead researcher, Bernard Kräutler, and his team, working together with botanists over the past several years, has identified the first decomposition products in leaves: colorless, polar NCCs (nonfluorescing chlorophyll catabolytes), that contain four pyrrole rings - like chlorophyll and heme.

After examining apples and pears, the scientists discovered that NCCs replace the chlorophyll not only in the leaves of fruit trees, but in their very ripe fruits, especially in the peel and flesh immediately below it.

"When chlorophyll is released from its protein complexes in the decomposition process, it has a phototoxic effect: when irradiated with light, it absorbs energy and can transfer it to other substances. For example, it can transform oxygen into a highly reactive, destructive form," report the researchers. However, NCCs have just the opposite effect. Extremely powerful antioxidants, they play an important protective role for the plant, and when consumed as part of the human diet, NCCs deliver the same potent antioxidant protection within our bodies. . Get the most antioxidant protection by selecting the ripest fruit at your grocery store.


Apples and Pesticide Residues

Virtually all municipal drinking water in the United States contains pesticide residues, and with the exception of organic foods, so do the majority of foods in the U.S. food supply. Even though pesticides are present in food at very small trace levels, their negative impact on health is well documented. The liver's ability to process other toxins, the cells' ability to produce energy, and the nerves' ability to send messages can all be compromised by pesticide exposure. According to the Environmental Working Group's 2006 report "Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce," apples are among the 12 foods on which pesticide residues have been most frequently found. Therefore, individuals wanting to avoid pesticide-associated health risks may want to avoid consumption of apples unless they are grown organically.

If you do purchase non-organic apples, you may want to ask your grocer about the kind of wax used to protect the apple's surface during storage or shipping. Carnauba wax (from the carnauba palm tree), beeswax, and shellac (from the lac beetle) are preferable to petroleum-based waxes, which contain solvent residues or wood resins.

Nutritional Profile

Apples are a good source of dietary fiber and vitamin C.

Most of the apple's fiber is contained in its skin, as is the majority of its quercitin. Unfortunately, in conventionally grown apples, the apple skin is also the part most likely to contain pesticide residues and may have toxic residues if covered in petroleum-based waxes. Since peeling results in the loss of apples' flavonoids and most of its valuable fiber, choose organically grown apples whenever possible.

In-Depth Nutritional Profile

In addition to the nutrients highlighted in our ratings chart, an in-depth nutritional profile for Apples is also available. This profile includes information on a full array of nutrients, including carbohydrates, sugar, soluble and insoluble fiber, sodium, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids and more.

Introduction to Food Rating System Chart

In order to better help you identify foods that feature a high concentration of nutrients for the calories they contain, we created a Food Rating System. This system allows us to highlight the foods that are especially rich in particular nutrients. The following chart shows the nutrients for which this food is either an excellent, very good, or good source (below the chart you will find a table that explains these qualifications). If a nutrient is not listed in the chart, it does not necessarily mean that the food doesn't contain it. It simply means that the nutrient is not provided in a sufficient amount or concentration to meet our rating criteria. (To view this food's in-depth nutritional profile that includes values for dozens of nutrients - not just the ones rated as excellent, very good, or good - please use the link below the chart.) To read this chart accurately, you'll need to glance up in the top left corner where you will find the name of the food and the serving size we used to calculate the food's nutrient composition. This serving size will tell you how much of the food you need to eat to obtain the amount of nutrients found in the chart. Now, returning to the chart itself, you can look next to the nutrient name in order to find the nutrient amount it offers, the percent Daily Value (DV%) that this amount represents, the nutrient density that we calculated for this food and nutrient, and the rating we established in our rating system. For most of our nutrient ratings, we adopted the government standards for food labeling that are found in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's "Reference Values for Nutrition Labeling." (whfood)

1.00 each
138.00 grams
81.42 calories
World's Healthiest
Foods Rating
dietary fiber3.73 g14.93.3good
vitamin C7.87 mg13.12.9good
World's Healthiest
Foods Rating
very goodDV>=50%ORDensity>=3.4ANDDV>=5%

Khasiat Tempe

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Ngomongin soal makanan jadi ingat satu hal. Makanan ini banyak ada di sekitar kita,sudah biasa kita jumpai,bahkan kita makan.orang jawa sangat senang sekali dengan makanan ini. Pasti semua sudah pada tahu yang namanya tempe. Banyak orang suka sekali dengan makanan yang namanya tempe,termasuk saya sendiri. Ada juga sebagian orang yang menyepelekan makanan ini,"..makan kok tempe...".
Apapun itu terserah apa kata masing-masing orang. yang jelas tiap orang beda-beda dalam melihat tempe.Beda selera,beda mengolahnya,beda memasaknya,dan beda penyajiannya.

Tempe berpotensi untuk digunakan melawan radikal bebas, sehingga dapat menghambat proses penuaan dan mencegah terjadinya penyakit degeneratif (aterosklerosis, jantung koroner, diabetes melitus, kanker, dan lain-lain). Selain itu tempe juga mengandung zat antibakteri penyebab diare, penurun kolesterol darah, pencegah penyakit jantung, hipertensi, dan lain-lain.

Komposisi gizi tempe baik kadar protein, lemak, dan karbohidratnya tidak banyak berubah dibandingkan dengan kedelai. Namun, karena adanya enzim pencernaan yang dihasilkan oleh kapang tempe, maka protein, lemak, dan karbohidrat pada tempe menjadi lebih mudah dicerna di dalam tubuh dibandingkan yang terdapat dalam kedelai. Oleh karena itu, tempe sangat baik untuk diberikan kepada segala kelompok umur (dari bayi hingga lansia), sehingga bisa disebut sebagai makanan semua umur.

Dibandingkan dengan kedelai, terjadi beberapa hal yang menguntungkan pada tempe. Secara kimiawi hal ini bisa dilihat dari meningkatnya kadar padatan terlarut, nitrogen terlarut, asam amino bebas, asam lemak bebas, nilai cerna, nilai efisiensi protein, serta skor proteinnya.

Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa zat gizi tempe lebih mudah dicerna, diserap, dan dimanfaatkan tubuh dibandingkan dengan yang ada dalam kedelai. Ini telah dibuktikan pada bayi dan anak balita penderita gizi buruk dan diare kronis.

Dengan pemberian tempe, pertumbuhan berat badan penderita gizi buruk akan meningkat dan diare menjadi sembuh dalam waktu singkat. Pengolahan kedelai menjadi tempe akan menurunkan kadar raffinosa dan stakiosa, yaitu suatu senyawa penyebab timbulnya gejala flatulensi (kembung perut).

Pernah ngak kita berpikir, gimana sih kok bisa ada tempe? asal usulnya dari mana? mari kita simak...

Sejarah Tempe.

Tidak jelas kapan pembuatan tempe dimulai. Namun demikian, makanan tradisonal ini sudah dikenal sejak berabad-abad lalu, terutama dalam tatanan budaya makan masyarakat Jawa, khususnya di Yogyakarta dan Surakarta. Dalam bab 3 dan bab 12 manuskrip Serat Centhiniabad ke-16 telah ditemukan kata tempe, misalnya dengan penyebutan nama hidangan jae santen tempe (sejenis masakan tempe dengan santan) dan kadhele tempe srundengan. Hal ini dan catatan sejarah yang tersedia lainnya menunjukkan bahwa mungkin pada mulanya tempe diproduksi dari kedelai hitam, berasal dari masyarakat pedesaan tradisional Jawa—mungkin dikembangkan di daerah Mataram, Jawa Tengah, dan berkembang sebelum abad ke-16.[1] dengan seting Jawa

Kata "tempe" diduga berasal dari bahasa Jawa Kuno. Pada zaman Jawa Kuno terdapat makanan berwarna putih terbuat dari tepung sagu yang disebut tumpi. Tempe segar yang juga berwarna putih terlihat memiliki kesamaan dengan makanan tumpi tersebut.[2]

Selain itu terdapat rujukan mengenai tempe dari tahun 1875 dalam sebuah kamus bahasa Jawa-Belanda. Sumber lain mengatakan bahwa pembuatan tempe diawali semasa era Tanam Paksa di Jawa. Pada saat itu, masyarakat Jawa terpaksa menggunakan hasil pekarangan, seperti singkong, ubi dan kedelai, sebagai sumber pangan. Selain itu, ada pula pendapat yang mengatakan bahwa tempe mungkin diperkenalkan oleh orang-orang Tionghoa yang memproduksi makanan sejenis, yaitu koji1 kedelai yang difermentasikan menggunakan kapang Aspergillus. Selanjutnya, teknik pembuatan tempe menyebar ke seluruh Indonesia, sejalan dengan penyebaran masyarakat Jawa yang bermigrasi ke seluruh penjuru Tanah Air.

Tempe dikenal oleh masyarakat Eropa melalui orang-orang Belanda. Pada tahun 1895, Prinsen Geerlings (ahli kimia dan mikrobiologi dari Belanda) melakukan usaha yang pertama kali untuk mengidentifikasi kapang tempe. Perusahaan-perusahaan tempe yang pertama di Eropa dimulai di Belanda oleh para imigran dari Indonesia.

Melalui Belanda, tempe telah populer di Eropa sejak tahun 1946. Pada tahun 1984 sudah tercatat 18 perusahaan tempe di Eropa, 53 di Amerika, dan 8 di Jepang. Di beberapa negara lain, seperti Republik Rakyat Cina, India, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Kanada, Australia, Amerika Latin, dan Afrika, tempe sudah mulai dikenal di kalangan terbatas.[3]

Pada tahun 1940-an dilakukan usaha untuk memperkenalkan tempe ke Zimbabwe sebagai sumber protein yang murah. Namun demikian, usaha ini tidaklah berhasil karena masyarakat setempat tidak memiliki pengalaman mengkonsumsi makanan hasil fermentasi kapang.

Indonesia merupakan negara produsen tempe terbesar di dunia dan menjadi pasar kedelai terbesar di Asia. Sebanyak 50% dari konsumsi kedelai Indonesia dilakukan dalam bentuk tempe, 40% tahu, dan 10% dalam bentuk produk lain (seperti tauco, kecap, dan lain-lain). Konsumsi tempe rata-rata per orang per tahun di Indonesia saat ini diduga sekitar 6,45 kg.

Perhatian yang begitu besar terhadap tempe sebenarnya telah dimulai sejak zaman pendudukan Jepang di Indonesia. Pada saat itu, para tawanan perang yang diberi makan tempe terhindar dari disentri dan busung lapar. Menurut Onghokham, dengan adanya tempe dan kandungan gizi yang dimilikinya, serta harga yang sangat terjangkau, menyelamatkan masyarakat miskin dari malagizi (malnutrition). (wikiped)

Gimana, sudah cukup jelas kan? sepele sih tapi gede khasiatnyee...sayang sekali jika produk kekayaan Indonesia dipatenkan oleh Bangsa lain.

Tips makan dan minum

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  • Kurangi minum air berlebihan sewaktu makan, gantikan dengan sup atau saripati bila memungkinkan.
  • Berjalan-jalanlah sesudah makan untuk membuat pergerakan lambung dan membantu untuk membakar kalori,terutama apabila berlebihan.
  • Kurangi makanan yang mengiritasi lambung pada saat stress karena sistem pertahanan lambung sedang melemah.
  • Hindari minum alkohol bersama makanan berlemak secara bersamaan ,karena hal tersebut akan mempertinggi resiko terjadinya perlemakan hati(fatty liver)
  • Makan atau minum makanan manis secara terus menerus, lama kelamaan akan membuat pankreas menjadi letih(exhausted) dan terjadilah kencing manis atau diabetesmellitus.
  • Kurangi manis atau konsumsi gula pasir mulai dari hal-hal kecil, seperti minum teh tawar, kecap manis secukupnya dan kurangi gula pada kopi atau minuman lainnya.
  • Perbanyak makan sayuran berserat karena ini akan membantu membersihkan usus dan memperlancar buang air besar.
  • Bagi mereka yang sulit buang air besar konsumsi secara rutin susu asam (yoghurt) yang merupakan probiotik berisi kuman yang normal hidup dalam usus besar yang baik untuk kesehatan usus besar.
  • Meminimalkan penggunaan pencahar secara terus menerus bila terjadi sembelit karena dapat mengganggu fungsi normal usus.
  • Makan atau ngemil dapat membuat pikiran menjadi lebih rileks. Jumlahnya lah yang perlu kita perhatikan untuk mencegah terjadinya obesitas dan penyakit lainnya.
  • Makan yang cukup sebelum beraktifitas akan memberikan energi ke tubuh dan otak yang akan meningkatkan produktivitas.
  • Ada dua pilihan untuk menurunkan berat badan,yaitu : Kurangi kalori intake (perhatikan diet) atau perbanyak kalori output ( perbanyak olahraga). (hffhp)

Ada tips

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Mengunyah makanan dengan perlahan dan lumat akan membantu penyerapan dan pengolahan makanan. Dengan basahnya makanan karena air liur, akan memudahkan getah pencernaan di sepanjang saluran cerna berkontak penuh dengan semua bagian makanan. Hal ini juga akan mengurangi risiko pembentukan gas dalam lambung.

Langkah hidup sehat

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Menurut Henry Chang (1996) dalam bukunya longevity Through The Organic Lifestyle, bagi mereka yang ingin tetap sehat dan bugar sampai lansia,minimal harus melaksanakan kebiasaan atau gaya hidup sehat (organic lifestyle) secara tekun dan berkelanjutan sejak usia muda.

1. Back to nature atau kembali ke alam, dengan melakukan kegiatan dan tindakan yang memperhatikan keseimbangan dan keharmonisan dengan lingkungan hidup(fisik,alam,dan sosial). Misalnya, menghindari segenap kegiatan dan tindakan yang dapat meracuni dan merusak lingkungan hidup.
lingkungan yang tercemar justru akan mempercepatproses kiamat, minimal membuat manusia sakit-sakitan dan menderita, sehingga sisa umurnya tidak dapat dinikmati.
2. Minum air dalam jumlah yang cukup sekitar 6-8 gelas per hari karena air merupakan sumber kehidupan dan zat gizi utama. Sekitar 65 persen tubuh kita terdiri dari air, sehingga sedikit saja kekurangan pasokan air dampaknya sangat serius terhadap penampilan dan kesehatan tubuh.
air yang diminum tentu harus memenuhi syarat kualitas air minum dan kesehatan (permenkes no.416 tahun 1990). Sebaiknyaair tersebut dimasak lebih dulu sebelum diminum.
3. Berjemur di bawah sinar matahari pagi (06.00-09.00) selama beberapa menit dan menghirup udara segar pagi hari sebanyak-banyaknya. Selain air, sinar matahari dan udara bersih juga unsur utama kehidupan kita. Namun hendaknya kita menghindari terik matahari pada waktu siang hari (10.00-15.00).
Sebab hal itu dapat merusak kulit, mata , rambut, dan lainnya yang mengakibatkan penuaan dini.
4. Kebiasaan ketiga itu harus disertai dengan kebiasaan keempat,yaitu olahraga. Minimal jogging atau senam pagi. Jenis olahraga yang dilakukan hendaknya disesuaikan dengan keadaan fisiologis, dilaksanakan secara teratur dan terukur agar manfaatnyapada kesehatan fisik dan mental lebih bermakna. Bisa juga ikut dalam program olahraga ditempat-tempat kebugaran.
5. Berupaya mengarahkan emosi yang mengebu kepada hal positif dan menendalikan stress kepada hal yang bermanfaat.Emosi dan stres yang positif diperlukan untuk menggairahkan semangat hidup dalam meraih cita-cita,kemajuan,dan kesuksesan hidup.
6. Sediakan waktu untuk refresing dan upayakan tidur berkualitas.Misalnya, setelah jenuh bekerja2-5 jam,istirahatlah sejenak. Pejamkan mata,tenangkan pikiran dan buatlah tubuh menjadi rileks. Hal itu akan membuat tubuh kita segar lahir batin dan membangkitkan lagi semangat baru.Tidur berkualitas adalah tidur yang nyenyak meskipun hanya 2-4 jam atau beberapa menit.Ibarat mengisi batery yang sudah mulai lemah,tidur berkualitas tersebut akan membuat fisik,perasaan dan otak lebih segar. Orang yang kurang tidur (berkualitas) akan mengalami pikiran kacau dan terganggu,pusing,sakit kepala,serta hidupnya uring-uringan.
7. Menghentikan/ menghindari merokok (aktif/pasif)., berhenti minumminuman beralkohol dan obat-obatanpsikotropika atau obat terlarang lainnya. semua itu dapat merusak kesehatan dan mempercepat proses menjadi pikun dan sakit-sakitan.
8. Membina hubungan vertikal(ibadah kepada Tuhan YME) dan hubungan horisontal (hubungan sosial dengan sesama dan lingkungan) secara baik,yaitu taat dan tekun melaksanakanibadah dan doa kepada Tuhan YME agar dianugrahi umur yang penuh berkah.Memperbanyak sahabat dan membina hubungan silaturahim karena hal itu akan membuat hidup tidak kesepian. (senior)

Daftar Menu

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Kami menyediakan menu pesanan dengan minimal pack 30 orang.

  • Nasi bakar ................................... Rp.300.000,- (@Rp.10.000,-)
  • Sate manis *..................................Rp.150.000,-
  • Ayam betutu * ...............................Rp.40.000,- per ekor
  • Nasi Tumpeng (nasi putih / nasi kuning ).. Rp.500.000,-
  • Ayam kodok * ................................Rp.150.000,-
  • Macaroni schotel ............................Rp.250.000,-
  • Pastel tutup ................................. Rp.250.000,-
  • Rolade ........................................Rp.150.000,-
  • Sup merah ................................... Rp.150.000,-
  • Salad buah ................................... Rp.200.000,-
  • Salad ayam ...................................Rp.150.000,-
  • Huzarensla ...................................Rp.300.000,-
  • Onigiri ........................................Rp.240.000,- (@Rp.8.000,-)
( * ) : menu special kami

Harga di atas sewaktu-waktu dapat berubah sesuai dengan harga bahan baku.

The Food Pyramid

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The food pyramid is an easy way to remember the healthiest way to eat. The food your child needs the most is at the bottom. Your child needs less of the foods located towards the top of the pyramid. At the very top is food that's not all that good for her, so she should only eat it once in a while. Let's take a closer look at what the food pyramid tells us about healthy eating.

The Foundation

At the bottom of the pyramid are bread, cereal, rice, and pasta. These foods contain mostly carbohydrates. The foods in this group are made mostly out of grains, such as wheat (flour), rye, and oats. Some starchy vegetables go in this group, too, like potatoes, peas, and corn. Really, they're vegetables, but your child's blood glucose levels react to them as if they were carbohydrates. So she should count them as carbohydrates for her meal planning. She needs six to eight servings of these foods per day.

The Second Floor

The next layer is fruits and vegetables, which are also made up of carbohydrates. They have plenty of vitamins and minerals. Your child needs about three to five servings of vegetables and two to four servings of fruit per day.

The Third Floor

Near the top of the pyramid are milk and meat. These foods usually contain a lot of protein. Milk is also the best source of calcium, which helps your child's bones and teeth to stay strong as you grow. Milk products include all types of milk, cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products. Your child needs two or three servings of milk per day. The meat group includes - you guessed it - all types of meat: beef, chicken, turkey, and fish. Even eggs, tofu, and some kinds of beans and nuts are included. She needs two or three servings of meat a day.

The Attic

At the very top of the pyramid is a little triangle. That's for fats, oils, and sweets. Things like potato chips, candy, and fried food contain a lot of fat or sugar. They aren't as nutritious as vegetables or grains. So your child shouldn't eat these foods every day. It's better to save them for a special treat.

The Basement

Some people like to imagine the food pyramid with another layer on the bottom, underneath the grains & starchy vegetables. This layer shows people walking, running, and riding their bikes everywhere we go. So, it's not really a part of the real food pyramid, but if it were, the exercise layer would remind us that it's very important for us all to be active every day. Staying active is important for everyone.{ADA}


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Makan adalah kebutuhan pokok makhluk hidup,salah satunya kita ini manusia. dari makan kita bisa hidup dan mencari penghidupan.
Banyak sekali jenis makanan di Bumi ini. tapi tidak semua mkanan dapat dimakan. ada makanan yang harus kita olah dulu sebelum dikonsumsi dan ada juga yang tidak.
Kalau kita mau mengingat, makhluk hidup itu mempunyai mata rantai makanan, yang mengakibatkan makan memakan. setiap makhluk bisa bertahan hidup dengan memakan makhluk hidup lain dan begitu juga kita. rantai makanan ini akan selalu berputar dan tidak berhenti.
Pada manusia sumber makanan berasal dari tumbuhan yang disebut sumber nabati dan juga dari binatang yang disbut sumber hewani. Kedua sumber makanan ini mempunyai manfaat yang penting untuk memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi tubuh kita. karbohidrat,lemak,dan protein berguna sebagai bahan bakar tubuh, vitamin sebagai pelengkap nutrisi dan detoksifikasi racun sedangkan serat berguna untuk memperlancar pencernaan.
Kombinasi konsumsi 2 sumber makanan tersebut amat baik untuk kesehatan tubuh dengan porsi makanan yang seimbang antara sumber makanan hewani juga nabati.
kebutuhan akan makanan tidak akan pernah berkurang atau turun. semakin terbambah banyak manusia semakin besar pula kebutuhan akan makanan. wah ga bisa membayangkan ,gimana ya klo sumber makanan di bumi ini habis...ga bisa hidup donk.
makan untuk hidup, jangan dibalik lho ya, hidup untuk makan.

Hello world!!

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Selamat datang di Krishna Catering.
Web ini bertujuan untuk berbagi informasi, ilmu, cerita tentang aneka macam makanan. Selain itu, disini juga memfasilitasi teman semua yang ingin memesan atau mencicipi produk kami.
Kami menyediakan makanan sehat dan bergizi. Siapa saja boleh mencoba.

About Me

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Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
Berawal dari hobby kuliner dan jalan-jalan, kami menyediakan jasa catering lunch box,tumpeng,dan aneka kue kecil. Ingin info lebih jelasnya bisa menghubungi di nomor telp.03160730013 / 03160476250. email: cateringkrishna@gmail.com

